ABS - plastic

ABS - plastic

It is slightly stronger and flexible than PLA, so if you are looking for strength in a print, ABS might be a suitable material. The strength and durability give your product a longer service life (LEGO parts are made from ABS as well). It has poor UV resistance, so this is why it is not recommended if you plan using your print outdoors. ABS can be ideally used for daily products, gifts where the usage of printed item is also important besides the decoration purpose.

Although our available base models on the site are all 3D printable, it may happens that your shape design turn to unprintable during the customization (creation of unique product) process. In that case don’t worry, we will point out you before the 3D printing process and you can choose either to refund the order or ask for a coupon for later use.

Let’s check what are our requirements of 3D printable ABS models.

Maximum bounding box: 250x200x200 mm
The maximum bounding box is determined by the type of the printer. To be able to 3D print a model, each of its pieces must fit within these dimensions.


Minimum bounding box: 2x2x2 mm
The minimum bounding box is determined by the type of the printer. To be able to 3D print a model, each of its pieces must be bigger then minimum dimensions.


Wall thicknesses: minimum 2 mm
The minimum wall thicknesses is determined by our ability to successfully print your model. Features that are too thin often break when the model is removed from the printer’s platform.


Minimum embossed dimensions: 1x1x1 mm
It’s recommended to use bigger embossed dimensions then the minimum order to be visible, readable and of course printable.

Minimum engraved dimensions: 1x1x1 mm
It’s recommended to use bigger engraved dimensions then the minimum order to be visible, readable and of course printable.

Other info:


3D Printing technology: FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling)
Dimensions accuracy: +/- 0.5 mm
Resolution: 0.2 mm
Surface: Due to the printing technology, stepping is visible and creates a coarse surface finish.
Expected delivery: 5-8 working days
More 3D Printing materials: PLA plastic, ABS plastic, Steel, Multicolor

Sample Kit


We know that reading and learning about printing materials is one thing, seeing and touching them another. You may have never meet them, that's why we have created sample kits. (see below)